Thursday, July 20, 2017

Made In America

The White House just held an exhibition of products made in America wherein each state sent in a representative sample of a product made there.

Rhode Island sent beer.
New Jersey sent soup.
No one sent napkins, so what kind of planning is that?

Here's a more representative list of Made in America:

Alabama: Sweet Homes

Alaska: Snow, bear crap, moose hooves.

Arizona: Dry heat, retirees.

Arkansas: G'wan, git you yankee!  Gun racks.

California: Therapy, Raisins, Severe mellow

Colorado: Pot, more pot, twinkie binges.

Connecticut: Departing corporate headquarters.

Delaware, Tax free shopping, Low, Slow.

Florida, 4 pm all you can eat buffets, gators, sunburn.

Georgia, Peaches, peanuts, annoying former presidents.

Hawaii, Luaus, leis, Magnum.

Idaho, potato based civilization.

Illinois, incarcerated governors, kevlar body armor.

Indiana, Not a damn thing.

Iowa, Empty baseball fields.

Kansas: Dust, small dogs, witches.

Kentucky, Bourbon, race day, old homes.

Louisiana, Hot sauce, creole cooking, floodwaters.

Maine, Ayuh, blackflies.

Maryland, Crabs, taxes, spent artillery shells.

Massachusetts, Chowdah, Lobstah, floating cars.

Michigan, Upper Peninsula cabin fever.

Minnesota, Ya sure, you betcha, lutefisk.

Mississippi, Old Muddy Water, Burnings.

Missouri, Show me. 

Montana, Big Skies, escape routes to Canada.

Nebraska, Insurance for victims of animal attacks.

Nevada, It all stays here.

New Hampshire, Massachusetts transplants, ten months of winter, two months of bad sledding.

New Jersey, turnpikes, parkways, toxic waste, wide open empty beaches.

New Mexico, Enchantment, fallout.

New York, Anything that ruins it for the rest of you.

North Carolina, Flight, moonshine.

North Dakota, Telephone poles, our state tree.

Ohio, My city, but it was gone.

Oklahoma, OK!

Oregon, Trails.

Pennsylvania, Cheese steaks, hoagies, cutting edge Amish tech.

Rhode Island, Quahogs, stuffies, Dels lemonade, steamahs, corruption.

South Carolina, Something sure as shit better'n North Carolina got, rebel flags.

South Dakota, Oil trains, spill cleanup kits.

Tennessee, Birdwalks, tuxedos.

Texas, Not sure yet, but it'll be bigger.

Utah, Misplaced optimism.

Vermont, New York transplants.

Virginia, Unaffordable housing.

Washington, Insomnia.

West Virginia, innovative cosmetic dentistry, crystal meth.

Wisconsin, a complete village of cheese.

Wyoming, Wide open spaces, more wide open spaces, folks you don’t know how to quit.

Bunny on.

visited 34 states (68%)